Customer Stories

HomeServe is here to help.

See how our service made a difference for these homeowners.

unclog kitchen sink drain
Interior Plumbing & Draining & HomeServe Cares Foundation Free Drain Repair for Expectant Mom

“I just want you to know that the HomeServe Cares Foundation is changing peoples’ lives. It makes me emotional to think about what I...

gas lamp latern
Gas Line Keeping the Gas Lights On in Mississippi

I could have come up with the money, but why would I want to?...

rusted wall
Heating System & HomeServe Cares Foundation HomeServe Cares Gifts NJ Family A Big Repair

HomeServe took care of everything. HomeServe is a lifesaver....

New Jersey
ditch image
Exterior Water Service Line Small Leak - Massive Repair for AR Homeowner

It was an incredible help to me and my family, beyond my wildest dreams....

ditch image
Exterior Sewer/Septic Line Smart Planning Saves Customer On New Sewer Line

I’m glad that Gary Sanitary partnered with HomeServe because I never knew this service existed. I think everyone had better get Home...

customer photo
Exterior Sewer/Septic Line New Sewer Line Replacement Pays Off

“I’m so grateful that when disaster did strike, HomeServe did me well and took the entire situation completely off of my shoulders –...

Water puddle
Interior Plumbing & Draining Plumbing Replacement Saves TX Woman Almost $7K

“(The plans) aren't costing that much money. That's why I enrolled in all of them.”...

Blown lawn water puddle
Exterior Water Service Line Water Service Line Repair At No Cost for Caring Customer

“As a retired healthcare worker, l know the importance of caring about service to others, and I’m grateful HomeServe was able to do ...

New Mexico
Blown lawn water puddle
Exterior Sewer/Septic Line Sewer Line Repair Plan Saves Customer Over $4K

“But as soon as we got off the phone with HomeServe, it felt like the weight of the world was off of our shoulders. We were confiden...

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Oklahoma Interior Plumbing & Draining & HomeServe Cares Foundation
Mississippi Gas Line
New Jersey Heating System & HomeServe Cares Foundation
Arkansas Exterior Water Service Line
Indiana Exterior Sewer/Septic Line
Ontario Exterior Sewer/Septic Line
Texas Interior Plumbing & Draining
New Mexico Exterior Water Service Line
Pennsylvania Exterior Sewer/Septic Line
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HomeServe USA