Customer Stories

HomeServe is here to help.

See how our service made a difference for these homeowners.

Loses heat
Heating/Cooling & HomeServe Cares Foundation Scrapper Leaves Daycare Dismayed and Without Heat

“It was really astonishing that someone would donate their time and hard work to help.”...

New Jersey
Loses heat
HVAC HomeServe and Xcel Combat Heat Wave with $2,500 HVAC Repair

“It was so glorious and freezing cold in my house after they repaired the motor - I couldn't believe what a fabulous job he did,” sa...

Loses heat
Heating System & HomeServe Cares Foundation Fire-Hazard Furnace Replaced for South Dakota Couple

“They thought that if we had tried to run it one more time, it was going up in smoke.”...

South Dakota
Electrical Hazard
Exterior Electric & HomeServe Cares Foundation Speeding Truck Takes Out Electric Service Line

“We knew the name HomeServe, because we knew they offered coverage which had been introduced by the power company, but we didn’t hav...

West Virginia
Loses heat
HVAC Elderly Couple Loses Heat in Dakota Winter

“Fixing a furnace or water heater costs so much, we just wanted to be ready for the possibility of something happening.”...

South Dakota
HVAC (Heating) and HomeServe Cares Foundation HomeServe Cares Foundation Gifts New Jersey Woman New Furnace

“I kept asking myself, ‘How will I ever afford this on my own?’” said Leslie. “But then, the utility employee told me about HomeServ...

New Jersey
Broken Water Line Means Repair Costs, High Water Bill for Vulnerable Homeowner
Exterior Water Service Line & HomeServe Cares Foundation Broken Water Line Means Repair Costs, High Water Bill for Vulnerable Homeowner

There was water all over and running out under the ground. The water bill went berserk. I thought, ‘I don’t have the money to fix th...

Rsz heather
Water Heater & HomeServe Cares Foundation HomeServe Steps In To Help Mom With Water Heater Replacement

Things have been tough, just a lot, but God answered my prayers faster than expected. What a blessing it was, thanks to Don....

Preparation Pays Off for Maryland Homeowner
Exterior Sewer/Septic Line & HomeServe Cares Foundation Basement Sewer Flood Creates Holiday Hassles for NE Family

It was like an early Christmas gift, and HomeServe made it so easy for us. It felt like we didn’t have to do anything....

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New Jersey Heating/Cooling & HomeServe Cares Foundation
Minnesota HVAC
South Dakota Heating System & HomeServe Cares Foundation
West Virginia Exterior Electric & HomeServe Cares Foundation
South Dakota HVAC
New Jersey HVAC (Heating) and HomeServe Cares Foundation
Wyoming Exterior Water Service Line & HomeServe Cares Foundation
Pennsylvania Water Heater & HomeServe Cares Foundation
Nebraska Exterior Sewer/Septic Line & HomeServe Cares Foundation
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HomeServe USA